Jacques Germishuizen wrote:
> Hello
> Is there software available for converting Lyx 2 PDF?
> Regards


I don't know if you can do this directly from LyX.  But at least you can
export your text as PostScript file (pull down combination: "File ->
Export -> as PostScript"), and then run it through ps2pdf.  This works

A little hint to keep the file size small:  Select a font different from
"default" at the font selector at "Layout -> Document"!  This also
enhances the look of your pdf document if you magnify it in a pdf

                                        Happy LyXing!



     Dirk Klugmann
Institut fuer Troposphaerenforschung         Tel.: +49 341 235 - 2146
     Permoserstrasse 15                       FAX: +49 341 235 - 2139
     D-04318 Leipzig                       E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      WWW: http://www.tropos.de/


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