Hello Lyx users,

I have written a new layout to create CD labels with lyx. 

Unfortunately I didn't find a suitable latex style which can be
used with lyx in a proper way. Thusmy layout does not based on 
any other styles and all new commands are included in the layout
(plain latex user can use the existing styles, e.g. cd-cover.sty).

You can download the layout from my www site:


Please load the package:   lyx-cd-box.tar.gz

You can unpack the package with the command:
gunzip -c lyx-cd-box.tar.gz | tar xf -
Please read the README file in the subdirectory.


Thomas Hartkens                  
Division of Radiological Sciences and Medical Engineering
Guy's, King's and St. Thomas' School of Medicine
Guy's Hospital                         
London Bridge                           Tel: +44 171 955 2721
London SE1 9RT                          Fax: +44 171 955 4532
   www: http://www-ipg.umds.ac.uk/t.hartkens

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