You may also be interested in the following (I don't know if it will address
the ligature problems though)....

> This is a couple of recommendations for pdf use.

Hi guys,

For those of you that distill or plan to distill latex generated ps files to pdf
then read on.

It has just come to my attention that postscipt files produced by dvips (in
linux and windows) often results in equations and some font types that don't
reproduce well.  This is because that computer modern (type 3) fonts are used. 
These are bit map fonts and consequently are a little dodgey when viewing
either on the screen or printing after distilling to pdf.  The solution is to
use type 1 postscript fonts instead which are fully scalable.

See the following for a better explanation

To rectify the problem (with RH6 linux), change to Super user "su"
and edit the file

You then need to uncomment 3 lines.  change the following from

% Uncomment the following two lines to use Postscript Type1 fonts instead of
% bitmap fonts for computer modern & co.
% p
% p
% p                      


% Uncomment the following two lines to use Postscript Type1 fonts instead of
% bitmap fonts for computer modern & co.

( If you have windows then add the following lines to your file
% Configuration of postscript type 1 fonts:

I then typed texhash and rebooted my machine (these 2 steps may not be

Now when I distill using Adobe Acrobat the fonts are LOVELY!!!!!!!!!  Although
the files are slightly larger.

Happy distilling.


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