gBibTeX available through the gnome software list is also cool!
It also allows a direct link to LyX
Seems like LyX has achieved a nice respons among the devolpers for
BibTeX shells
Have anybody used both? Would be nice to know if either of them is superior.
Florian Cramer wrote:
If you want to couple LyX with a GUI-based BibTeX editor, check out the
latest release of Pybliographer <>, a
Gnome-based application. Using the LyX server, it allows to insert
BibTeX references into LyX with a single mouse click.While the program is still in beta, it seems much more usable to me than
Barracuda (because it properly handles converts 8bit characters, doesn't
choke on extra field definitions, produces very clean bibtex code and
handles other bibliographic formats than BibTeX) and should be an even
better fit to LyX as soon as LyX will have its own Gnome-frontend.Florian
Florian Cramer, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
Permutations/Permutationen - poetry automata from 330 A.D. to
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