"Jean-Pierre.Chretien" wrote:

> >>Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 08:44:48 +0100
> >>From: François Patte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: missing begin{document}
> >>
> >>Sometimes (many times) I get the message: error when I want to see the
> >>dvi (or ps) file. When I try to see what is this error the answer:
> >>missing \begin{document}.
> >>
> >>What is the meaning of this message? What can I do if this kind of error
> >>is due to lyx and not to me? I'm not responsible for the preamble and if
> >>I try to add this latex command I get two error messages instead of one.
> >>
> >>Worse: in this case I can't do anything. I can't copy and paste from
> >>this lyx window to another lyx window (which, strangly, has no error
> >>message!), I can't export my text "as it is" to use latex to recover, I
> >>can't copy and paste to emacs. My work is lost!
> >>
> >>I run (french) version 1.0.3-1
> >>
> >>Thank you.
> >>
> You probably begin to create output in the dvi before the \begin{document}
> (e.g. just have some plain text in the preamble which LaTeX tries
> to process).

How lyx allows such a thing? I can only open a lyx window and begin my
document, I do not do anything else.

> Looks like a preamble error, but we need to know more.
> The best would be to export as LaTeX (this should be possible)
> and to run latex on the exported file.

This is impossible, as I said, the message still appears if I ask for
exporting. To know something more, I should be interesting to have a lyx log
file reporting everything of what lyx does even if it can't open latex.
The latex log file only report latex errors and my problem is before the use
of latex: why lyx didn't write a correct preamble, or why did it write
something before it?

> You may have a look at the latex log file, but exporting to latex
> provides simpler messages.
> --
> Jean-Pierre

-- François Patte. UFR de mathématiques et informatique.
45 rue des St Pères. 75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tel: 01 44 55 35 59 -- Fax: 01 44 55 35 35

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