Since my girl-friend updated my beloved old 486/33 to a brand new P133
I thought I should point her (once more) to LyX. Well, she was not
*very* impressed... 

First thing, reLyXing her current work went fairly well, with exception
of the umlauts. She uses \usepackage{german} and consequently types
"a for ä.  Now there are scattered "a all over the place (or rather there
were, since this was fixed with a line of perl). Maybe reLyX could be
patched to do this automatically?

Next thing, lots of ERT. She uses lots of self-defined makros within
formulas. Mostly simple stuff that even could be replaced by 'native'
LyX, like  \newcommand{\p}{\partial}. Anyway, doing this manually is
awful (I know, perl is my friend, but for Joe-average-LaTeX-user it
might not). Maybe 'simple' macros could be expanded automatically?
Or is it possible to construct a keybinding that does something 

\newcommand{\iuh}[1]{I_h u^{#1} - u_h^{#1}}

i.e. typing   <something>iuh<#1> produces {I_h u^{#1} - u_h^{#1}}  ?

Can one change the counters of the enumerated environment 'natively' like the
bullet shapes of 'itemize'?

Lastly, the killer: Equations (don't ask me why anybody would want to
fill three pages with a single equation... she does it :-|). Her
equations are wider than the screen (although they fit nicely on paper)
Now there seems to be no way to access the 'invisible' parts by means of
a horizontal scrollbar or something like that. This, of course, make
editing the stuff a mess. Has anybody an idea how to work around this

Regards, Andre'

Andre' Poenitz ...................... [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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