I had a problem like you myself

I don't know with sort of requierments you have to follow, but some styles are
available on 


You may install one in your latex system and use a copy of the report.layout,
renamed to the actual style. I works prety well down here. 

good luck


Em seg, 08 nov 1999, you wrote:
> JONATHAN>     Hi, Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I got the
> JONATHAN> ACM class, style, etc files and I'm wondering how to install
> JONATHAN> them for use in LyX. I'm a Linux/LaTeX newbie, so please be
> >Well, the good news is that there is some documentation in the
> >Help->Customization explaining how to write support files for LyX. 
> >
> >The bad news is that they are probably not gentle enough for LaTeX
> >newbies :( Do you know a bit of LaTeX, or nothing at all?
>       About all I know of LaTeX and LyX is what I learned by going through
> the documentation and tutorial.  Therefore, I know how to get around in LyX,
> but nothing about LaTeX.  I'm generally computer oriented so I can get around
> on a computer okay, but I'm not much of a sys admin.  I'm just writing my
> thesis and need the ACM class and style to fullfil the requirements.
>       Is there any info you can give to make adding the ACM class and style a
> little easier?  Thanks!
>       Jonathan Dinerstein

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