On Sun, 7 Nov 1999,     wrote:

> How can I make an enumerated list inside a theorem (lemma, etc.)
> environment?  If I choose "Enumerate", then it is not a "Theorem" any
> more, including the parts after and before.

Use "depth-increment" in the mini-buffer/status bar or click on the
"Change Environment Depth" toolbar button.  This will push the enumeration
inside the theorem environment.

If you have extra paragraphs you want in the theorem after the enumeration
you'll probably need to use Standard paragraphs and depth-incrememnt those
as well.  Note, that if you depth-increment the standard paragraph
immediately following the enumeration too far it will become a second
paragraph of the last enumeration item.  All valid paragraph depths are
available by depth-incrementing and the depth wraps around also; ie. back
to an outermost depth after the innermost depth.

Allan. (ARRae)

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