
I am using lyx 1.0.4 and want to write a mathematical text (article
(ams) or ams-book). When I set the document language to "german", I
still get only "Theorem", "Corollar", etc. but not the German
equivalent (Satz, Korollar, etc), when creating the DVI or Postscript
file. (When using just article or book, "Chapter", etc are

Do there exist special layout files for that purpose or do I need a
different ams package? I have not very much experience with LaTeX as
I always used only LyX, so I have no clue. For the time being I have
put together my own layout and .cls file which is working but not
especially well ;((( I´d appreciate any help!

In addition, I am not able to get German menu points ... ?! In
/usr/local/share/locale/ is the German .mo file for LyX, but even
when setting LYX_LOCALEDIR to the above directory, LyX displays it´s
menues and messages only in English. Very annoying.

 Tschau,            ICQ 28589118                   PGP-Key available
      Daniel        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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