Hello there,
I've got a problem with a matrix which contains maths equations. before
when generating a matrix in maths mode i obtained an eqnarray, but now i
obtain an array see the latex code under.
the results in xdvi are different, which is normal but how can i have
the eqnarray environment as before. Is it a new feature of Lyx or is
there a way to do eqnarray environment or did i miss something trivial?
\Delta V\left( X(t)\right) & = & V\left( X(t+1)\right) -V\left(
X(t)\right) \\
& = & X^{T}(t)\left[ \left( \sum _{j}h_{j}\left( z(t)\right)
A^{T}_{j}\right) \left( \sum _{i}h_{i}\left( z(t+1)\right) P_{i}\right)
\right. \\
& & \left. \cdot \left( \sum _{k}h_{k}\left( z(t)\right) A_{k}\right)
-\sum _{i}h_{i}\left( z(k)\right) P_{i}\right] X(k)
\Delta V\left( X(t)\right) & = & V\left( X(t+1)\right) -V\left(
X(t)\right) \\
& = & X^{T}(t)\left[ \left( \sum _{j}h_{j}\left( z(t)\right)
A^{T}_{j}\right) \left( \sum _{i}h_{i}\left( z(t+1)\right) P_{i}\right)
\right. \\
& & \left. \cdot \left( \sum _{k}h_{k}\left( z(t)\right) A_{k}\right)
-\sum _{i}h_{i}\left( z(k)\right) P_{i}\right] X(k)
}{\footnotesize \par}
thanks for all reply
"Y faut lirrrreeee... Arlequin, c'est le champion de l'amourrr..." Dany
( Doctorant en Automatique http://www.multimania.com/ymorere )