On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Osvaldo Fornaro wrote:
> Hi,
> I eard that LyX could work with its menus and messages in different
> languages; (I need spanish).
> After configure and make the 1.0..4 release I obtained the english
> (traditional) interface.
> How could i make spanish interface?
One thing to watch out for:
If you have a locale set *while compiling* then only that locale gets
installed. So if you compile as root you should have LC_ALL and so on all
unset. The messages from configure tell you which language catalogs will
be produced.
Further warning: If you use Redhat with the gdm login manager then a
locale always gets set. Becoming root by typing "su" does not remove that
setting. You need to do "su -" or login as root directly at a virtual