Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Lars> Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: | Can someone
> Lars> suggest why an un-numbered Chapter called "Preface", and my |
> Lars> Bibliography section do not appear in the table of
> Lars> contents(TOC)? They | don't appear in the TOC popup box, nor do
> Lars> they appear in the printed TOC | pages. There appear as pages in
> Lars> the printout, just not in the TOC.
> Lars> This is a LaTeX feature. If you want these headings in the TOC
> Lars> anyway you have to add them manually, that is done by adding a
> Lars> line of tex magic right before or right after the hading in
> Lars> question:
> Lars> [and now to I remember the magic?]
> Lars> No...I don't remember the magic, and my LaTeX book is several
> Lars> meters away...
> Lars> I am sure somebody else will provide the needed magic.
> The best solution (for the preface anyway) is to add
> \frontmatter
> at the beginning of the document
> \mainmatter
> when serious things begin, and
> \backmatter
> before bibliography and such stuff. This will not give you correct
> result for bibliography, so you will have to find out what the magic
> is, after all...
I think I can help with the magic... but my server today doesn't working
properly... I hope this msg will go to his destination.
Tables of contents entries are generated only by the sectioning
commands. In order to add a new entry you should type in Tex mode the
where sec_unit is chapter, section... as you want the appearance in the
and entry is Preface, Bibliography, Goofy or anything else!
Put the command just after the right heading in your document (but check
page number in the toc... in the past were reported some problems of a
page number... so you should adjust the position of the command}.
Hope this help.