On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, [iso-8859-1] Juan Luis Freniche Ibaņez wrote:
> I can't move the bibliography to the very end of the document (I'm using
> templates or model texts). In fact, I need several separate bibliographies, as
> in the following:
> But this is working correctly in the LATeX, but no in what Lyx displays.

The problem is that LyX has a fixed number of counters for counting these
different entries.  The counter for bibliography entries is also the same
one used for sections (or something like that).  It shouldn't be that hard
to add another counter specifically for the Bibliography.  Others?

> Another minor point: the LATeX style that I am using is a tailored
> version of "report". I modified also the corresponding Lyx layout but
> was unable to remove chapter titles ("Chapter 1", etc. from the screen
> (again, the LATeX style was modified to avoid such title).

I not sure I follow what you mean here.  You want the name of the chapter
but not the "Chapter 1" on-screen?  You should be able to just change the
definition of Style Chapter in your layout file from "Margin  Static" to
"Margin Dynamic" and then remove or comment out the Label.  Doing this
will make your Chapters look more like \Huge Sections.

Allan. (ARRae)

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