jdd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| look at this header received as an answer to my question. There is absolutly no
| reference to lyx-user, probably because it was a direct answer, but if a tag
| was present in the initial subject, it would be filtered correctly
| the to field if often usefull, the cc also, but this is not adressing the
| problem completely. I subscribe to many (id 13!) mailing list, lyx is the only
| one not setting a tag in the subject.
| Well, I won't kill you for that, I appreciate lyx too much!

If you have a smart mailreader you still can look at the References
and Msg-Id fields. It is just a cheap excuse for bad mailreaders if
you have to have a tag in the subject to be able to filter the mail.

AND if you choose to send the mail to you directly rather than also
cc/to to the list that has probaly a reason, and you should not treat
the mail is if it came on the list.

I guess I am subscribing to around 20 mailing lists and do not have
the problems you are having...


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