>>>>> "Varotto" == Varotto Riccardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Varotto> Hi, I'm working on my thesis, and I use LyX for write it. I
Varotto> have two problems with LyX that I can't resolve:
Varotto> 1. I must to write the greek letter 'epsilon' in a formula,
Varotto> but LyX print the charatter smallest than I desire. Is
Varotto> possible to obtain a single charatter more big than default
Varotto> in a 'math-mode' ?
I do not know.
Varotto> 2. I want a document with the follow characteristics: class:
Varotto> book pagestyle: heading sides: two Margins: Top: 30mm Bottom:
Varotto> 20mm Right: 25mm Left: 40mm AND THAT THE CHAPTERS START AT
Varotto> RIGHT PAGE (odd page) !!!! If I select 'Use geometry package'
Varotto> and specific the margin, I not obtained the chapter initial
Varotto> at odd page. I try in all way, but nothing....
For the 'starting at right page' part of the problem, the answer is to
select 'two sides' in Layout->Document.