Ingo Kloecker wrote:
> Hi Herbert,
> You wrote:
> >My lyx-file is (only the interesting part):
> >
> >\begin{eqnarray*}
> > & \sum ^{n}_{i=1}i & \\
> > & \sum ^{n}_{i=1}i & \\
> > & \int\limits ^{\infty }_{x=0}e^{-x^{2}} & \\
> > & \int ^{\infty }_{x=0}e^{-x^{2}} &
> >\end{eqnarray*}
> >
> As I can see from your lyx-file both sums will have postscripted limits if you
> have a look at the dvi-file because this is the way TeX will typeset sums in
> eqnarray-environments if no other option is specified.
> You are right that in LyX everything seems to be O.K.. The problem is only
> visible if you look at the dvi-output (File->View dvi) or the ps-output.
> If you really don't have this problem then there is maybe a problem with LaTeX
> itself. I have installed version pre0.9_981113 of the teTeX-package (with Suse
> 6.1). As you have Suse 6.2 maybe it's time to update my system.
You are right!
Therefore I read the chapter in my latex book and now everything is
clear! ;-)
In multiline format (eqnarray) the left and the right part are real
but the middle part is a textformula! So it's not possible to write
a sum super/subscript under /above the sum-symbol. If you choose the
array-format, all parts are in textmode.
You can type the sum in all three parts of a multiline formula and you
see, that the middle sum is typed with super/subscript shifted to the
the left and right one the one with super/subscript above/under the sum.
The option \limits works only for integrals, in both math modes!
Therefore it's not correct, when LyX views these symbols different to
the latex-convention.
hope this helps