I described here a few weeks ago a way to use IPA in Lyx.  I don't know
whether you saw that.  My method does not get any IPA on the screen, alas,
but it does work for printout, and it allows one to use all families of
IPA: bold, roman, slanted, typewriter, etc.

In short, I use Lyx's facility for displaying and printing in color (which
I have no use for), and just substitute an IPA .sty file (tipa.sty) for
color.sty, so that when Lyx thinks it's printing in color, it's actually
printing IPA.

If you're interested, I can go into more detail.  It's just a simple hack.

Wouldn't it be nice if Lyx provided for mixing languages in a single

If you get IPA screen display working, please do let us know how to do that.


On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Lorint Hendschel wrote:

> Hi, everybody!
> I want to use LyX to write my thesis in
> linguistics. My text is interspersed with notations in the International
> Phonetic Alphabet. I have installed  some Type1 phonetic fonts. I can see them
> in xfontsel, I can use them in, say, gedit. However, I don't find a way to use
> them in LyX (and I can't print them either. But first thing first).
> I have added 
> \screen_font_typewriter -sil-manuscript
> in my ~/.lyx/lyrc; so when I fire LyX and I check Options > Screen Fonts, the
> Typewriter font is -sil-manuscript. So I thought that it would be enough to
> give a portion of text the attribute "typewriter" to see the text in IPA. But
> it doesn't work.
> The full name of the font in my fonts.dir file is
> -sil-manuscript-regular-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-adobe-fontspecific
> Of course, I also tried to put the full name in lyxrc, to no avail.
>  Could someone give me a hint about what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> -- 
> Ki ça vos våye bén,
> "Beuveurs tres illustres, et vous, Verolez tres precieux, - car à
> vous, non à aultres, sont dediez mes escriptz, - ..."

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