Hi Jose,
> I'm having some trouble with lyx. Lately, I have written a document
> with some figures done in xfig. In order to typeset some greek letters,
> I used the export as PS+latex option. This works fine, but the preview of
> the document shows the latex typset writing appearing all over the shop. I
> have not printed this file, so I don't know whether this will be a problem
> when printed or not (xfig tends to show wrong figures on the screen, you try
> to sort it out for 3 weeks, only to find out that the initial version prints
> out fine :-/). Or is there any trick to place figure annotations (can you
> associate an annotation with an object, say a line?)?.
You can try the psfrag package, it should come with your latex
distribution. With it you can put normal text in the figs and then define
arbitrary latex constructs to replace it, e.g. "fx" -> $f(x)$ or "intfx"
-> $\int f(x)\,dx$ or whatever.
> Then there's the bibliography. Using natbib abbrvbib.bst (not too
> sure about the spelling), I want to have references of the likes of [S.
> Bloke(1999)]. I get something similar, but with all the authors after the
> date. as in [S. Bloke(1999)S. Bloke, F. Sinatra, B. Yeltsin]. I was trying
> to read through natbib's documentation, but it transpires that you choose
> the effect you want every time cite something, by using a variety of \cite{}
> constructs. Is there any way around this from lyx?
You have to explicitely insert \citet{} or \citep{} commands marked as red
text, the LyX builtin cite cooresponds only to plain \cite{}.
Stefano Ghirlanda, Zoologiska Institutionen, Stockholms Universitet
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