>> Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 09:21:27 +0200
>> From: Frank Mahler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: LyX mailinglist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: German umlauts in math equations, again...
>> Hi there!
>> I just made an upgrade to Suse-6.2 and am finally able to enter german
>> umlauts in math-text-mode.
>> Unfortunately when I save and then re-load the document again, all
>> umlauts are gone!
How are umlauts encoded in math text mode?
Here in the LyX file for ä
\begin_inset Formula \( \ddot{\textrm{a}} \)
In the meantime, I reminded that I explicitly reprogrammed
the bindings to get the umlaut in math mode (initially I needed
the umlaut in math mode as a shortcut for second order derivative w.r.t.
time, which is \ddot{} in LaTeX).
So I added in the math.bind file:
\bind "M-m S-quotedbl" "math-insert ddot"
AFAIR, Jean-Marc recommended rather:
\bind "M-m ~S-quotedbl" "accent-umlaut"
which is present in the standard math binding of 1.0.3 and 1.0.4
Both bindings produce the LyX code above, which gives back the umlauts
when you relead the file.