
> One used to be able to select the default background color with teh
> commandline option of -BackgroundColor --- what happened to this option
> in version 1.0*? 
> If I am willing to recompile lyx, what changes should I make to get this
> option working again? 

I don't know about command lines options, but \background_colour yourcolor
in the lyxrc file does the job.

 Stefano Ghirlanda, Zoologiska Institutionen, Stockholms Universitet
    Office: D554, Arrheniusv. 14, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 164055, Fax: +46 8 167715, Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Support Free Science, look at: http://rerumnatura.zool.su.se

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