at Wed, 18 Aug 1999 Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:
> >> From: Reinhard Borek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> how I can write multi-line text and chars like {\"a} in formulas?
> >> When I try to put 'ä' in text mode in a formula, it does not occur
> >> anything. When I try to put {\"a} in LaTex-mode in a formula, it does
> >> not work.
> Trying to type in accented characters in math mode is not correct.
> In plain LaTeX, you must get back to text mode with a \mbox{}.
> In Lyx, the plain text in math mode should be typed in math text mode (M-m m).
> What do you mean by « it does not occur anything » when you do so ?
In a formula I put 'M-m m' (math text mode), then I put a accented
char like 'ä' (in LaTex {\"a}), but this char does not appear in
the formula in Lyx or in the ps-output.
Also I put '\mbox{}' in a formula in Lyx, but when I put '"' and '\'
to write '{\"a}', these chars do not appear.
> Here (Sun Solaris) I can type in accented characters with the
Compose key, > and the dvi is correct.
What is the Compose key?
> For multi-line, I don'see any other LyX solution than using a matrix
> and typing text in the cells.
Thank you.
greetings, Reinhard
Reinhard Borek
Exp. Phys I
Fachbereich Physik
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Friedemann-Bach-Platz 6
06108 Halle/Saale