
I finally figured out a simpler work around that works about half the

Latex is trying to generate new font files and is having permission
troubles. It just won't say permission denied or anything obvious like
that. The thing to do is to take the lyx file and export it as latex.
You run it through latex, manually AS ROOT! Then latex is free to make
as many little meta font whatever files as it wants to. After that you
can work with lyx all you want as a regular user and all the fonts are
already there.

It is a latex problem.

I haven't tried a complete erase and install of tetex and latex yet.
Maybe it will make it so all the document classes work? (Latex is
choking on some of them on my system; even as root.)

At least article works. That's the one I use. Article (AMS) doesn't.
Latex croaks halfway through the document complaining about vboxes and
overfilling something.


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