Henk Coetzee wrote:
> Hi
> I'm busy with a document with a lot of figures, and have tried setting
> float placement to hp, h, !h and !hp, with no apparent logic in the
> results. I am trying to get the floats, most of which are a page big,
> to place themselves as close to the relevant text as possible. This
> seems to work for the first three and then the 4th figure (smaller than
> a page) trundles off, with all following figures to the end of the
> document. (I am using report class). This started after inserting a
> figure quite close to the end. What have I done?
> Henk
Some more. It seems to be related to the small plot. If I pull it out of
the document, the floats line up like I want them.
Henk Coetzee
Geophysics Unit
Council for Geoscience
Private Bag X112, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa
Tel: +27-12-841-1192 Fax: +27-12-841-1424