>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Greg> On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> >>>>> "Greg" == Greg Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Greg> I can type and have displayed an "r" with acute accent, but not
Greg> an "m" with acute accent. I see in Reference.lyx that "m" in
Greg> fact is not a valid letter to use with the accent-acute
Greg> function. But is there any good reason for this restriction?
Greg> LyX is perfectly capable of drawing an acute accent over an "m"
Greg> -- I can hand-edit a LyX file and put in "\i \'{m}", and then in
Greg> LyX I see the accented "m".
>> I do not really know why these characters are considered as not
>> valid. Maybe Lars could comment on this, since I believe he added
>> that code.
>> In any case, I think you can use the only (!) toggle in
>> Options->LaTeX to change this.
Greg> Thank you; I didn't know about that option. It isn't, though,
Greg> exactly what I need. (This isn't a complaint, at all, just a
Greg> note about what might be useful in some future version.) I
Greg> would like to have acute- accented "r" and acute-accented "m"
Greg> treated the same, as though LaTeX only knew about 7-bit
Greg> encodings (even though I'm using T1-encoded fonts). The reason
Greg> is that I use the tipa package for IPA phonetic transcriptions,
Greg> and tipa uses T3-encoded fonts, an encoding LyX doesn't (yet)
Greg> know about. A Latin-1 r-with-acute-accent character and a LaTeX
Greg> "\'r" produce quite different results -- only the latter prints
Greg> an acute-accented "r". So, it would be useful someday, if I
Greg> could get Lyx to store away "\i \'{r}" when I put an acute
Greg> accent on an "r", just as now it stores away "\o \'{m}" when I
Greg> put one on an "m".
You should have a look at the files isoXXXX.cdef in the lib/kbd/
directory. They allow to define a new font encoding. It should be
possible to define a simple ascii (or maybe) tipa encoding which fits
your needs.