> First - is there a command line with no GUI that will take a LyX document
> and convert it to TeX unattended; I want to be able to author a document
> with LyX, check it in to CVS and have a process in the background build
> the docs automatically check and install them into the appropriate
> places as PDF, HTML etc.
I wrote a perl script to convert .lyx to .tex without using LyX
for exactly the same reason...
It is far from being perfect, but you might want to have a look at
or download it directly from
You are hereby granted the title "Official lyx2latex Beta Tester" ;-)
> It seems that LyX has no command line version, or
> options for turning the GUI.
That's true, unfortunately...
Andre' Poenitz, TU Chemnitz, Fakultaet fuer Mathematik
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... +49 3727 58 1381