thanks for all the answers - now I will not stay in the rain...(I'm the
only one, who is using Latex (or better mention - Lyx) in our lab.
Now I use the apalike package and the apalike.sty for my
references. (Thanks Yann MORERE for the tip).
But I have another question regarding citations:
How could I do the following:
bla bla bal like Turner 1998 says, bla bla bla... (without brackets).
And I don't want the delemiter between Author and Year - should
look like (Turner 1998).
And sometimes I have to include text in the brackets
(s. Turner 1998).
thanks for any advice!
> Hi there,
> I want a citation like this
> bla bla bla (Ritchi et al. 1999) bla bla bla
> and then
> Bibliography
> D. Ritchi, P. Peters, L. Lora 1999: "Try for doing..." ...
> How can I do this in Lyx?
> thanks for any advice (and sorry, but I'm a novice in Latex...)
> Dieter
> _____________________________________
> Dieter Lehmann
> State University of applied Sciences
> Schelmenwasen 4-8
> D-72622 Nuertingen, Germany
> Phone: +49 (0) 7022 404 Ext. 192 or Ext. 152
> Fax: +49 (0) 7022 404 Ext. 166
Dieter Lehmann
State University of applied Sciences
Schelmenwasen 4-8
D-72622 Nuertingen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 7022 404 Ext. 192 or Ext. 152
Fax: +49 (0) 7022 404 Ext. 166