I had a problem in importing the thesis.cls file that was given to me by the
university to handle the formatting. I created a thesis.layout file in the
~/.lyx/layout/ according to the "Customization" document. The following is the
thesis.layout file.
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
# \DeclareLaTeXClass[thesis.cls,report]{thesis}
I add the report because the thesis.cls load it, is it necessary? what elase
shold I put into this file? Would anybody please point me an address on how to
write layout?
I then copy the thesis.cls file to /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc/ and run
texhash. After that I run reconfigure under the options menu and LyX
sees the thesis.layout file, like following
+checking for document class psuthesis [psuthesis.cls,report]... yes
but then when I tried to import a template file provided by the university,
it said it can't load textclass thesis--substituting default. I can see the
thesis class under Layout->Document->Class. But when I tried to change to that
class, it says "Unable to swith to new document class."
I am using Redhat 6.0 with teTex default and Lyx 1.0.3.