>>>>> "Jacques" == Jacques Germishuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jacques> I am writing a document using layout->document->class->book.
Jacques> The margins left, right, bottom and top are all set to 20mm.
Jacques> When printing the document from gv it is as if the whole page
Jacques> is shifted down.  The top margin is more tha 20mm and the
Jacques> bottom one less than 20mm.  Is there some setting that I am
Jacques> missing?

You should check that dvips is setup correctly for your printer. What
you are looking for is a file named config.ps (default) or config.foo,
if your printer is named foo. In this file your can (among other
interesting things) specify the offset of the page. This *might* be
accessible through the texconfig program if you are an teTeX user.


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