On 02-Jun-99 Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>>>>>> "Stéphane" == Stéphane Barraud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Stéphane> Hello, I've installed Lyx 1.0.0 on my SGI indigo2 IRIX 6.5
> Stéphane> Box with US keyboard. I would like to kown if there is a way
> Stéphane> to get french accentuated caracters. Adding commands like
> Stéphane> \bind "`" "accent-grave" in the lyxrc file does not work
> Stéphane> because the "`" key is not a dead-key.
> Stéphane> Is there another solution ?
> Have a look at the \kbmap_* options in lyxrc. Something like
> \kbmap true
> \kbmap_primary european
> should be useful.
Thank you for all the people who helps me.
\kbmap true
\kbmap_primary european
\kbmap_secondary american
in lyrc file works perfectly on my SGI.
Pole Europeen de Plasturgie
Ecole Superieure de Plasturgie
2 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie