>>>>> "Ronald" == Ronald Florence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ronald> After some fiddling with the %$!#@ filename mangling that
Ronald> winzip did in unpacking the binary distribution of
Ronald> NT-lyx-1.0.1, I've gotten it to configure, finding the local
Ronald> TeX distribution and creating the various LyX startup files --
Ronald> just as it does on Unix.  When I run the `runlyx.bat' script,
Ronald> it gets as far as executing lyx, which issues a terse message
Ronald> of `BadLength' and exits.

Ronald> I'd welcome ideas on how to get a local (NT) LyX running on
Ronald> this machine; it does fine with a remote LyX (from a Solaris
Ronald> box) on the local X-server.  Thanks,

You should probably try to play with LyX -visual and -depth
switches. I remember that on some PC X servers, playing with 'backing
store' settings helped too.


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