On Thu, 27 May 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Stephan" == Stephan E Schlierf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Stephan> Hi there again,
> Stephan> checking the KDE control panel unfortunately doesn't give any
> Stephan> useful hint for setting the behaviour of child windows (or,
> Stephan> maybe, it's well hidden...). So I made the same experience as
> Stephan> John.
> Stephan> Could it be useful to find out whether KLYX hs the same
> Stephan> behaviour?
> LyX by itself does not care about iconizing windows. It is the window
> manager's job. What you see is probably the result of a policy of kwm
> regarding windows from the same application. You might try to shade
> the window instead of iconizing it...
I have KDE 1.1 here
LyX 1.0.3pre4
Linux kernel 2.2.9
LyX performs the behaviour Stephan describes. Here minimising either the
main window or the paragraph window causes both windows to be iconised
into the same icon in the taskbar.
by contrast, in KLyX-0.9.9 the windows are totally independent and have
separate icons in the tastbar.
Make of it what you will.
Wonderful program! Discover something new about it every day.
Shame it's necessary to have both prongs of the fork for full
Sincerely etc.,
Christopher Sawtell - Support Engineer - iOpen Technologies Ltd.
email - chris @ iopen . co . nz ( anti spam - join it up to use ).
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