Ingo Kloecker wrote:
> Hi Steffen,
> > I want to insert a space in a formula. I used the popup-menue and also
> > the key-combination CTRL-Space. Everything looks fine, but in the
> > *.dvi-File all the spaces are replaced by the letter ","!
> > Has anybody an idea to prevent this replacement?
> Which version of LyX do you use?
Lyx 1.0.3.pre2
> Which packages do you include?
a whole bundle... :-)
> Give a short example LyX-File and maybe the
> result of export to Latex.
> Regards
> Ingo
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tel;work:Arbeitsgruppe PD Dr. R. Sterner
org:Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik;Abteilung für molekulare Genetik und präparative Molekularbiologie
adr:;;Grisebachstr. 8;37077 Göttingen;;;
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Georg-August Universität Göttingen
fn:Steffen Schmidt