>>>>> "Yaneric" == Yaneric Roussel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Yaneric> Hi!

Yaneric> Thanks to B. Bryant, i did some layout and i learned about
Yaneric> latex...  But i still have 3 problems...

Yaneric> The headings References must be preceding by the Section
Yaneric> number. I tried
Yaneric> "\renewcommand{\refname}{\thesection. Refences}" Netheir are
Yaneric> working... How can i do that?

The problem is that references use an unnumbered section (via
\section*), so that there is no number to show here...

Here is a workaround, to add to your preamble:


Yaneric> By default, there is a blank line between each references. I
Yaneric> have to remove this blank line... I tried to set \parskip to
Yaneric> zero just before the references -> it doesn't work...

The right thing to change is \itemsep, which is taken care of in the
example above (note that the spacing used is huge, in order to
demonstrate that is actually works :).

Yaneric> I have rotated figures. The caption have to be rotated too. I
Yaneric> tried to use in latex \landscape before the table following
Yaneric> by \portrait or to use \begin{sidewaystable}... -> it doesn't
Yaneric> work too...

I do not know about this one.


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