>>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Wollmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Alexander> Am 16-Apr-99 schrieb Herbert:
>> Hi
>> is there any way in math mode to write roots other than a square
>> root? Writing in textmode is no problem (e.g. \sqrt[3]{3} ), but
>> this works not in math mode.
Alexander> You can create the n-th root with
Alexander> \newcommand{\nroot}[2]{\sqrt[#1]{#2}} (in your preamble!)
Alexander> Now you can write the n-th root of x like
Alexander> \nroot{n}{x}. Both pair of brackets must be in TeX-Mode
Alexander> (red).
To reiterate: since LyX 1.0.1, there is support for n-th root,
accessible with 'M-m r'.