>>>>> "Jean-Marc" == Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>> "nbecker" == nbecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
nbecker> --Multipart_Thu_Mar_25_11:45:05_1999-1 Content-Type:
nbecker> text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
nbecker> This small file causes TeX capacity exceeded (on unix - not a
nbecker> small TeX) when run under LyX - but the same exported TeX
nbecker> file works fine.
Jean-Marc> Hello,
Jean-Marc> Unfortunately I could not test for this problem, since your file needs
Jean-Marc> iom.sty, which I certainly do not have...
%Memo for Comsat by N. Becker 11/29/88
%Will make a cover page with Memorandum, task code, date, from, to,
%subject at the top. Below will be cover text. At the bottom will
%be the distribution list. No other text will appear on this page,
%and the next page will be numbered 1.
%Usage: Before any other printable text,
% Set to, from, subject, date, taskcode, and distr. list using
% macros \setto{}, \setfrom{}, \setsubject{}, \setdate{},
% \settaskcode{}, and \setdistr{}. Each of these is optional!
% The date will default to \today. Others will simply not be
% present if not specified. Text on the cover is set by
% \setcover{}.
% inputs to \setdistr{} are delimited by \\ like:
% \setdist{me\\you\\anyoneelseyoucanthinkof}
% The page will be produced by the macro \makecover.
%added 12/13:
% if \setcover is used only cover text will be on first page,
% remaining text will be forced to subsequent pages. If
% \setcover is not used text will not be forced to subsequent
% pages.
%added 10/9/90:
% The text for distribution header is defined by the macro
% \Distribution. The default is `cc:'.
\iftaskcodeset\taskordocsettrue\else\typeout{iom::Warning taskcode not set}\fi
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{\huge\bf MEMORANDUM}
\def\maketofrom{\ifsubjectset\settowidth{\subboxwidth}{Subject: \hspace{2\tabcolsep}}
\iftoset To: &\totext\\ \fi
\iffromset From: &\fromtext\\ \fi
Date: &\datetext\\
\ifrevisionset Revision: &\revisiontext\\ \fi
\ifsubjectset Subject: &\subjecttext\fi
\def\covertext{}% initialization
\halign{##\hfil&\quad##\hfil\cr \Distribution&\distlist\cr}