
Please note that the lyx-users list has moved from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to

While the posts sent to the old address will continue arrive to the list, it
is best if you start using the new address asap.

If you want to unsubscribe from the list, just send *any* message to 


Only the above address is important, the content of the message (Subject,
etc) is ignored.  On a unix system, you can send this message with the command

echo| mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Similarly, you can subscribe to the list by sending a message to 


If you have problems with the list, send any message to


and if even that does not help, to


Note that there is a digest version of the list.  To subscribe to the
digest, send a message to  


and to unsubscribe, send a message to 


Note that for all subscription/unsubscription request, you will be sent a
confirmation request.

Finally:  every message you receive from the list contains the header 
`List-Unsubscribe:', which gives you a personalized address to send your
unsubscription to---even if your current address is different from the
address you subscribed under.


Reply via email to