
I've been looking to downoading the PowerPC version for a year or so but it's 
never there. It was there in the beginning and then disappeared and never cane 
back, why?

I use only LTS support versions and am annoyed that when doing a Software 
Update I'm offered to upgrade as this simply doesn't work, I've tested it and 
it simply doesn't work, it only gives extra work when you have most probably 
least time as the entire operating system has to be reinstalled on another disk 
to keep files that were on the old disk.

What's the use of now showing the files that I won't update when performing a 
Software Update if I don't perform an upgrade, this is very annoying.

Twice now on two different hard disks 16.04.3 LTS has suddenly stopped 
connecting to internet, I've found no way to set up the connection again. Twice 
I've had to take a new hard drive and make a new install, looking up for what 
software I had installed suddenly an old install started to work correctly 
again. What happens?

Why put Gnome Software into 17.06, this rubbish is awfully slow.

Why isn't Opera still in the Lubuntu Software Center? Although old it's still 
the best internet browser for anyone wanting to have many open tabs. Both 
Firefox and Chromium are although more modern awfully annoying in their ways.

Best Regards

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