<ian.bruntl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Fritz,
>> I'm not sure I understand your question but I'll try to answer it.
>> In particular http://clonezilla.org/ might be of interest to you. I
>> haven't tested it though,
>> There are some Linux "live" disks available that might be of interest to
>> you and I have links to them on this web page:-
>> https://sites.google.com/site/ianbruntlett/home/free-software
>> For backing up personal files, I use a shell script that invokes tar. I
>> then copy the resulting tar files to an external flash drive using the
>> standard file manager.
>> HTH,
>> Ian
>> @et al:

Latest update, on the GUI app front . . . I tried to use Synaptic to
install Clonezilla and/or DRBL as well . . . they were the apps that showed
up on a search of "clonezilla" . . . and both "error-ed out" on dependency
issues and/or "broken packages" . . . ??  Synaptic claims to have "fixed
the dependency problem successfully" . . . but then refused to try to
install the packages.

Ran update/upgrade && -f install in the console, and "autoclean" &
"autoremove" . . . then checking in Lubuntu Software Services with the term
"clonezilla" && "drbl" . . . shows "nothing found" . . . so there must be
something about Clonezilla that doesn't "fit" with Lubuntu????

Anyway, I checked the Yaboot conf file, and I found the "append" line, so I
could just run a fresh install if and when I get a new looks llike it will
be SSD . . . in the linux partition.  Very slow to get this post typed out,
back to the fan blowing and nothing happening very fast . . . possibly due
to "pre-failure" HD feelings of inadequacy ???

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