On 05/13/2017 03:28 PM, Ian Bruntlett wrote:
Hi All,
I, too, am chasing down a problem with Firefox on Lubuntu problem. It
keeps on crashing with SIGILL (illegal instruction). Now it is late,
I'm off to bed but I do have a couple of insights.
* If you are running a GUI based programme and it fails to start
correctly, fire up a terminal and run it from there. You might see
some useful error messages.
* If you are left without a functioning web-browser, do a "sudo
apt-get install lynx" in a terminal (removing the quote marks) and
then use lynx, a text based web browser, to access the Internet.
* If Firefox is giving problems, start it in a terminal with the
command "firefox --debug" (again, removing the quotes). This starts it
in a debugger. I'm going to explore this further tomorrow and will try
to provide more helpful info about this.
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The Windows version of Firefox, running on Lubuntu using wine, installed
using winetricks, works well enough for what I need. This version of
Firefox does not crash on Pentium 3 machines.
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