On 04/23/2017 02:58 PM, Leo Kolbeinsson wrote:
I agree with Ralf. Windows 10 Home does not support Hyper-V. You would need Pro or enterprise versions for that.

However Virtual Box runs very well on all versions of Windows 10.


Leo K

On 23.4.2017 18:05, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Sun, 23 Apr 2017 18:48:10 +0100, Ian Bruntlett wrote:
Never installed an O.S. on a VM. Where should I look for initial

I recommend to install VirtualBox. On Linux hosts it's unlikely the
best, but definitively the easiest to use virtual machine. Maybe it's
the same for Windows hosts.

Free download:


Forum to get help:


Maybe Google helps as well:


Installing Lubuntu as guest in a VM, is the same as installing it on a
real machine. However, when it's installed be aware that the emulated
hardware is not the same, as that of your host computer and that access
to some hardware components could be tricky. Performance might be
relatively good, but you can't do real-time capable things.


There's one thing you might need to be aware of with using Virtual Box.

Running your system this way introduces latency into the audio.

If you're just playing audio files, or watching videos, it's not a problem.

But if you're performing music (perhaps using a MIDI keyboard), there is over a half-second delay between pressing the key, and hearing the note that comes from hitting the key. This delay (latency) is too much to live with in performing music.

For this reason, all of my test machines are dual-boot, running in separate partitions, on several different machines.


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