On 03/05/2017 11:33 AM, Heima wrote:

I have been trying to install pavucontrol package but I can't get it to work under Lubuntu 16.04.2. When I try to run it from the terminal, I get: `/pavucontrol: error while loading shared libraries: libatkmm-1.6.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory/` Consequently, I installed libatkmm-1.6 with a dozen of other packages, but still no luck.
Has anyone got Pulse Audio Volume Control to work under Lubuntu 16.04 ?


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I use Pulse Audio Volume Control all the time on Lubuntu 16.04.2, as well as 16.10, and have not had any problems I can recall. I do depend on some of the things it can do.

It works on all of my test machines (12 or so, many on 16.10) as well.

I never had to install anything special to get it to work, though most of my systems have been upgraded, rather than installed new.

I always run it as a GUI, from the menu. I have never tried to run it from a terminal command.


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