On 07/09/2016 09:01 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
Den 2016-07-06 kl. 20:18, skrev Nio Wiklund:
Hi again,
vasa1 wrote the following in my thread at the Ubuntu forums,
Hi Nio,
I just saw your post in the mailing list: Abiword in Lubuntu 16.04 LTS
- how to get rid of flickering and the responses.
You wrote:
Hi Rafael, Simon and Julien,
What about switching the default theme for Lubuntu in 16.04.1 LTS so
that it will come with a working Abiword? In other words to do the
work-around instead of leaving it to the end user?
Or will that break some other functionality?
Best regards
A way to do what you want for just Abiword without switching Lubuntu's
default theme, would be to edit its
Exec= line in /usr/share/applications/abiword.desktop
from Code:
Exec=abiword %U
to Code:
Exec=bash -c 'GTK_THEME=Adwaita abiword %U'
Best regards
Hi Nio,
This is a great workaround, however implementing this as a fix is messy.
It would have to be put somewhere into a lubuntu postinstall script
if [[ -f /usr/share/applications/abiword.desktop ]]
sed -i "s/Exec=.*/Exec=bash -c 'GTK_THEME=Adwaita abiword %U/"
This is not something I think the developers will implement. It is good
to have a great answer for all the users here using Abiword though,
thank you!
The actual fix will have to be in the Lubuntu GTK theme, which Rafael
has already commented on. GTK themes are pretty complex and rewriting
the entire theme to fix this will take a large portion of time. I hope
the upstream theme (Ubuntu's GTK theme) will fix this, and perhaps the
bug should be raised with them as well?
I will test this with Numix and Ambiance gtk themes and report back here
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