Den 2016-07-01 kl. 12:24, skrev Nio Wiklund:
[bottom posting]

Den 2016-06-26 kl. 12:12, skrev Nio Wiklund:
Den 2016-06-26 kl. 10:12, skrev Nio Wiklund:
Hi Lubuntuers,

The LTS versions are getting prepared for the next point releases,
14.04.5 and 16.04.1. New trusty and xenial daily iso files are generated
and need testing

- to be reported here and

- at the iso tracker


You find the relevant iso files for Lubuntu desktop 32-bit via



and the corresponding files for the other iso files, e.g.

for Lubuntu 16.04 alternate 64-bit via



There are bugs, for example the plymouth bug (no splash image no text
during boot). I have not reported them here, but I intend to do it soon,
and I hope and wish that we can squash them before 16.04.1 LTS.

Best regards

Hi again,

The desktop 32-bit iso works (with grey bugs), but the alternate 64-bit
iso managed to throw two red bugs into my face:

'failure while configuring required package while installing Lubuntu

'the target drive is not found when connected via USB 3 while installing
Lubuntu alternate'

Please check if you are affected, and in that case, please mark that the
bug 'affects me too'.

Best regards

Hi again Lubuntu users and developers,

The bug, that I think targets debootstrap

'failure while configuring required package while installing Lubuntu

is very bad. It makes it impossible to use current daily Lubuntu
alternate iso file

737M    2016-06-30    15:54    "xenial-alternate-i386.iso"

$ md5sum xenial-alternate-i386.iso
f0ce67124a8c7d5b432f8e58ed7f5dab  xenial-alternate-i386.iso

I have tested in two computers, a few days ago and again today in

1. my 'default' testbench, a Toshiba laptop with Intel i5 from 2013

2. a desktop computer with AMD Athlon from 2008

I don't think the bug is affecting only some particular hardware, I
think it is a 'software' bug.

This bug needs confirmation:

Please check if it affects you too, and in that case, please mark that
it affects you in the bug report!

Best regards

Hi again,

I tried to test the corresponding Ubuntu Xenial mini.iso (tried to update July 1, but still old)


#perms          size    date            time    file-name
-rw-rw-r--      48M     2016-04-20      17:53   "mini.iso"
-rw-rw-r--      43      2016-07-01      15:58   "mini.md5"

$ md5sum mini.iso
574fd244f5069f086065a23f7bdf604f  mini.iso

and that mini.iso file works, is not affected by this bug, but it is old, and the Lubuntu alternate file of that date was working too.


I also tested the corresponding Ubuntu Server Xenial iso file (tried to update, July 1, and the current file is a few days old, the same date as this bug report was created, so relevant)


#perms          size    date            time    file-name
-rw-------      665M    2016-06-26      05:56   "xenial-server-i386.iso"

$ md5sum xenial-server-i386.iso
07edb75c929ff966045db0139a01d3e8  xenial-server-i386.iso

and this Ubuntu Server iso file works, is not affected by this bug.

So it seems the bug resides in some Lubuntu package and makes debootstrap fail. If it were in debootstrap, the debian installer of this Server iso file would also fail. Maybe debootstrap has changed upstream, and needs a corresponding change in Lubuntu to work again.

Best regards

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