Hi Phill, Jan and all Lubuntu Users,

I made a new tarball with a 32-bit Lubuntu system using UXA acceleration. It makes it easier to install Lubuntu in computers with some old graphics chips from Intel, where Lubuntu 16.04 LTS has problems.


It is described at the following link (in my tutorial thread about the One Button Installer),


There is a corresponding compressed image file to be installed with mkusb,

dd_Lubuntu_16.04_oem-uxa_2016-may_7.8GB.img.xz at



@ Phill,

You wanted tarballs with Lubuntu 16.04 LTS. I think this is a
useful one - a 32-bit system to use where it can be difficult to install from the Lubuntu iso files. Please describe it or link to it in your document pages.

@ Jan,

Please test this tarball or compressed image file in your computers with old Intel graphics. How is it working? Should something be changed/improved?

@ everybody with old Intel graphics,

You are welcome to use this Lubuntu_16.04_oem-uxa tarball or compressed iso file. I hope it will make it easier to get Lubuntu working in your computer.

Best regards

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