On 04/04/16 07:59, bill . wrote:
> Hi all,
> New member and brand new Lubuntu and LXDE user here. I'm accustomed to 
> Manjaro xfce but wanted to try something just a tad "lighter." So far I'm 
> very impressed with the look and snappy feel. Trust me as a fan of arch-based 
> distros it pains me to say that but...
> One of my goals is to be rid of LibreOffice. I'm already using FocusWriter as 
> my word processor and love it. Now there's only one more thing... I've been 
> using LibreOffice Base to create simple databases for sightings of 
> butterflies, dragonflies, and wasps (yeah I'm a nature geek). I find this 
> easier and tidier than a spreadsheet. I'm looking for a stand alone program 
> with a small footprint that can do the same thing. Searching for "database" 
> in the repositories gives me tons of programs (VERY impressed with the range 
> and number of programs in the repositories, btw!). Can someone please 
> recommend a program that might suit my needs- which aren't all that great? If 
> i must use a spreadsheet i see Lubuntu comes with a nice light one, but 
> apparently LO Base will only let me import and not export. Any ideas much 
> appreciated!
> peace
> -bill

Hi Bill

I have some similar questions and I will be interested to read any replies you 
get on this topic. I can't give you much in the way of specific suggestions but 
maybe I can help to define the problem by telling you what I think I know.

As I see it the problem breaks into 2 parts - the data tables and the user 
interface. LibreOffice handles both as do many other database applications such 
as MS Access and Borland / Corel Paradox for Windows. Most database 
applications, including LibreOffice have the ability to connect to external 
database servers and most servers use some variation of SQL. If you are 
familiar with SQL then exporting your data should be simply a matter of 
creating suitable external tables and using LibreOffice to copy the data into 
those tables. If, like me, you have generally steered clear of SQL, then the 
job is a bit more difficult.

In my case the main problem is the user interface. I have been using Paradox 
for Windows since Windows 3.1 and I have written a great deal of ObjectPal code 
to suit my own requirements. If I move to another application I will have to 
write new code from scratch. What I am currently doing is running Paradox 7 in 
Linux using Wine. There are some rough edges but it does the job well enough 
most of the time. The nearest Linux substitute I have found so far seems to be 
using Python for the interface and SQLite for the data tables. There is a 
significant learning curve and I am not yet in any rush to get started. At this 
moment I can't name any Linux based user interface, other than LibreOffice, 
which can manage the tables without an extensive knowledge of SQL commands.

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