On 07/10/2015 04:22 PM, Gary Knott wrote:
Dear Lubuntu list:  I installed Lubuntu 14.04 some months ago.
(That is a so-called LTS system, right? How do I check this?)

I note that I never get an automatic flashing icon on the bottom bar
offering me the chance to recieve various updates. I do
get such notifications on my Kubuntu system, and on my
other Lubuntu system which was first a ubuntu system, followed
by deleting unity and installing LXDE.

What do I need to apt-get to get an automatic update service working?
Do I need to set some repositories in whatever file that is they live in as well?

Thanks,   gary knott, garykn...@gmail.com <mailto:garykn...@gmail.com>


Did you install from the original 14.04 CD image, or from a more recent image (such as 14.04.2)?

It seems there was a problem with the updates notification on the original 14.04 CD.

That problem was fixed later, though installing all updates (I would think) would solve it.

My 14.04.2 LTS system notifies me of updates daily.

You might also check in the menu: Preferences, then within that, Software & Updates. Click on the "Updates" tab, and check the settings of the four drop-boxes at the windows lower-right. For example, is it set to automatically check for updates "Daily"?


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