Alacarte might work... It didn't work in precise, but it may be working
You can edit categories there.

You could make a custom menu in ~/.config/menus/custom.menu

You could use the debian-menu which has lots of categories.

Navigate in pcmanfm (or terminal) to:
is your current menu.
is the menu more similar to what you are talking about.

*cp /etc/xdg/menus/debian.menu ~/.config/menus/lxde-applications.menu*
AFAIK this should work to replace the menu structure with one you like

If you don't like it simply delete OR edit

On 05/31/2015 03:20 PM, Ian Bruntlett wrote:
> Hi,
> I use both Ubuntu and lubuntu. And so do my friends.
> The problem that I am trying to explain, is, basically when it comes
> to software packages, us Linux users are spoiled for choice.
> Personally I believe in "divide and rule".
> When I'm running Ubuntu, the Launcher pretty rapidly fills up. I'd
> like to be able to tell Ubuntu to have a special kind of entry in the
> Launcher - not a single programme, but a group of programmes - a
> container. This will make it easier to set up systems for friends
> because I could put all the stuff they're interested in on the
> Launcher and put stuff they should be interested in into a container
> entry in the Launcher. So if they're rarely going to run games, they
> could be discretely placed away in some kind of Launcher-container-entry.
> Also, on lubuntu, the same problem happens, to a degree. There is a
> hierarchical structure there, with branches for Internet, Office and
> Games. However, if you install one of the games-finest packages, the
> "Games" branch quickly uses up its space on screen and you get scroll
> bars. Not the best way to access things, in my opinion. I would
> recommend games packages having an extra, sub-category. This will give
> the GUI a bit more information - instead of always storing something
> in "Games", you could have some in "Games - Board" or "Games - Arcade"
> etc.
> This is less of a problem with big screens. It is particularly
> noticeable on my NetBook. However, my tallest monitor experiences
> those problems as well.
> HTH :)
> Ian
> -- 
> -- ACCU - Professionalism in programming - http://www.accu.org
> -- My writing - https://sites.google.com/site/ianbruntlett/
> -- Free Software page -
> https://sites.google.com/site/ianbruntlett/home/free-software


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