Hi Israel,
No problem with the new thread, Just wasn't expecting to see my name up in lights so soon in life...

Your suggestions were probably good, but I had this problem with 20GB spare to hold 3 versions of a 30GB folder... I followed up the links which were again addressing a slightly different and "easier" problem, namely how to shift your /home partition at or after installation. My problem is however how to "capture" an existing /home on that is already on a different partition. But by pursuing the downlinks I found some interesting stuff which after testing out I may be able to summarise for some other coutios user. It did not get as far as telling me how I could do what I wanted to do safely.

So I did some selective trimming and clipping and backed up /home to an already full external drive and copied a carefully selected portion to the LXLE partition so I could use Opera without extreme contortions, hence I am able to reply to your email.

Then I tried to install Lubuntu 14.04.1 "over" the failed installation, with preservation of /home. The installation failed in the last 5% of "Restoring previously removed packages", i.e. right on the last lap of the installation marathon. There was a warning that the desktop manager was not working. The installation booted, to a black screen with a conky. I could get a terminal window by right-clicking on the desktop, and presumably could have replaced the faulty or missing desktop manager with a command or two if I had a bit more insight. I repeated the attempted installation with Lubuntu 12.04.3 and with LXLE14.04, with exactly the same results. So I am concluding that in that /home that my greedy eyes are fixed on, is a poisoned desktop manager which I don't want to be accessed by my working LXLE installation on the small partition.

So my problem has changed; all the installation DVDs have good desktop managers as evidenced by fault-free live runs, but already on the hard drive partition in probably the /home is a vicious evil desktop manager. How can I destroy this dragon that guards Sinbad's cave full of software jewels and my precious archival data?

Best regards,


On Thu, 11 Sep 2014 00:06:17 +0200, Israel <israeld...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Basil,
I wanted to move this to a new thread, so it would be easier to spot in
people's inbox :)

OS/2 eh?  I remember using that for a while.  Unfortunately that was
during the time of MS' big move to control the market.  And well, they
did.  They are still trying to, however the advent of the smartphone has
seriously jeopardized their chances.... much like Netscape Navigator did
with IE taking over the internet (and Firefox does still against MS and
Google taking over the free web)

Regarding moving your home to a separate partition in a 'working' install:

The potential for data  loss is very real in this case.  No matter what
you decide to do, you should BACKUP your home partition to whatever
media you have (USB/SD/external HD, etc...)
This is something we should all be doing fairly periodically either way.

So, here is some reading material for you.

This seems fairly straight forward.

But, if it were me, I would simply backup my /home and reinstall.
See this for some info:
and here is one with screenshots (albeit older, but still relevant)

The main consideration is that you will have to use the "Do something
else" option if you choose to reinstall from a disk ever again, and set
it up the same.
something like:
17Gig partition mounted at /
32 Gig mounted at /home
1 Gig swap partition

You can of course try the first method, and if it does not succeed you
have a backup of your home anyway, and can simply reinstall.

But don't share your home partition with other distros... there are lots
of issues that could creep up that way, unfortunately, especially using
your ~/.config directory

Your ~/.config directory is the one that holds the configuration files,
and may be the culprit of your current mess, though it might simply be a
mess of incomplete things installed.

hope this info helps your restoration process

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