Thanks to all for responding, sure I've left someone out here - sorry for

The response from Google Product forum was as I expected *You must get it
removed from the source to have any chance if it eventually dropping off
from the various search engines out there*.

I have had no luck yet getting a response from the admin for this mailing
list =  or  Will
continue trying.  Thanks for the lead on that wxl.

Have not been running Lubuntu for over a year, am a very happy Ubuntu user

Other then the past three days I have not posted to the Lubuntu mailing
list since July 2013 & I see five occurrences with my name in the month of
July.  Sure would be nice I could get an admin to spend 5 mins deleting my

Thank you

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Israel <> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> The first time I used the internet was back in the early nineties, before
> that we used a BBS.
> For all of you who don't know what a BBS is, you should check it out.
> When I used a BBS, I would call a person's house with my modem to connect
> to their computer.  I understood that by choosing to connect to their
> network, they had access to my computer.
> Now we connect to the internet on SO many things.  But, this is the same
> as it used to be.  You connect to your ISP's servers, and they connect you
> to somewhere else.  By getting on the internet you are automatically
> vulnerable to hundreds of security issues in privacy far worse than the one
> being brought up.  You should assume that your internet time is NOT
> private, and seek to mitigate the possible damage, by using strong
> passwords, clearing caches,  and using more than one e-mail.
> I have a 'junk' e-mail and a 'public' e-mail and a project dedicated
> e-mail.
> If my public e-mail shows up in public, I am not surprised.  If my junk
> e-mail is public, I don't care as it is not connected to me in any way that
> could be a security issue.
> The more unsettling thing, is that the US government builds exploitable
> backdoors into virtually every router that passes through the US.  The
> hardware manufacturers probably also put in backdoors in the computers we
> use.  If you own a cellphone, you are not secure at all.  There are so many
> ways to exploit a cellphone.  For example, the gyroscope can be used as a
> rudimentary microphone, based on the vibrations of sound it can pick up.
> A PUBLIC mailing list showing up in public for the community, is not a
> bug, it is expected behavior.  It is supposed to show up in searches, that
> is the nature of a public mailing list.  We (mostly) want this information
> to be easily available, as this is part of a global community.  Something
> we say on this list may help someone doing a search for a certain issue.
> Sorry, this e-mail was so long :D
> On 08/21/2014 02:58 PM, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
>   Richie:
>  Cool.  Maybe you can post back one more time if you have some success
> getting the list to go "silent."  But, it's not just the ubuntu list that
> has this problem . . . on the odd occasion that I google my name, somewhere
> down the list will be some posts from my early exploits trying to find a
> system to run PPC a couple years ago . . . on the fink user list . . . .
> Compared to them this list is a dream . . . hopefully I'm not stepping on
> toes, but IMHO fink is not worth the space it takes up . . . 8 hour
> install, part way through some package would break . . . when I would post
> my issue about how to fix it, invariably somebody would post back with
> almost literally, "Why are idiots posting on our beautiful forum . . . and
> then add that if I didn't know how to fix it I shouldn't be on the list . .
> . ."  Which I found ironic, since fink was . . . so "brittle" . . . and
> within a month or so had dropped support for PPC--but the "evidence" of
> those posts is still floating around . . . .
>  So, my point was & is, a sense of humor about "privacy" on the internet
> is required . . . and then some understanding that public life includes
> moments of embarrassment, even humiliation, a few short moments of joy . .
> . until we close our eyes for "the big sleep" . . . and then, if what you
> are saying is correct . . . the "evidence" of our web exploits will remain
> for another 2.5 years . . . until we can then "disappear" into eternal
> "privacy" . . . leaving no trace, etc.  : - 0
>  F
>  On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 10:59 AM, Richie Bloss <>
> wrote:
>>  Guess I'll have to post one more time.
>>  Absolutely love POI :0)
>> Quite honestly I am a bit surprised @ the cavalier attitude the Ubuntu
>> community has towards email privacy & that this hasn't been addressed
>> before now.
>>  Of the dozens of forums, mailing lists, blogs, etc I post to this is
>> the only one wherein my gmail id is dredged up.  That tells me they're all
>> doing it better than the Ubuntu folks.
>>  Will try to pursue this thru the Google Product forums since I cannot
>> get the administrator of this mailing list to respond.
> --
> Regards
> --
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