On 06/23/2013 12:19 PM, Leszek Lesner wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 23. Juni 2013, 12:11:50 schrieb Lars Noodén:
>> On 06/21/2013 01:42 PM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>>> On 2013-06-21 12:31, Lars Noodén wrote:
>>>> Today I'm running into trouble when trying to decrypt or sign messages
>>>> with PGP.  Previously engimail worked fine for Thunderbird.  Today it
>>>> gives only error messages.  When I try to decrypt a message, I get
>>>> something like this:
>>>>  OpenPGP Security Info
>>>>  Error - signature verification failed
>>>>  gpg command line and output:
>>>>  gpg
>>>>  gpg: problem with the agent - disabling agent use
>>>>  gpg: can't query passphrase in batch mode
>>>>  gpg: Invalid passphrase; please try again ...
>>>>  gpg: can't query passphrase in batch mode
>>>>  gpg: Invalid passphrase; please try again ...
>>>>  gpg: can't query passphrase in batch mode
>>>>  gpg: encrypted with 1024-bit ELG-E key, ID XXXXXXXX, created 2004-01-09
>>>>        "xxxx <x...@xxxxx.com>"
>>>>  gpg: encrypted with 2048-bit ELG-E key, ID XXXXXXXX, created 2008-03-04
>>>>      "xxxxx <x...@xxxx.com>"
>>>>  gpg: public key decryption failed: bad passphrase
>>>>  gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available
>>>> Is anyone else seeing this or having ideas on how to fix it?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> /Lars
>>> I have it only in Precise.
>>> Does gpg work properly as a command line tool (if you make a file of the
>>> email source and descrypt or check signature)?
>>> Best regards/Nio
>> Does anyone have Saucy running that can reproduce the same problem?
>> I've gone through several updates and even re-installed the system from
>> DVD and the problem still persists.
> Please double check your password and make sure the private key is available

I have some more clues now.  I created a new user account and copied the
keys over to the new system account and Thunderbird with Enigmail was
able to decrypt the messages.  However, on the old account I removed the
whole .thunderbird directory and created new mail account info and the
problem persisted.


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